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Returns info & how to return
We provide 365 days of free returns and exchanges to the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.Our service is paper-free. You don't need a returns form.For most return locations, you will not need a printer.You can exchange your order free of charge as often as you need.We will usually make an exchange or refund a few days after you have given your parcel to the return courier.Please return the item to us in the same condition it was sent to you, we cannot accept returns with visible wear marks unless there is a problem with their quality.We suggest trying on your purchase at home before wearing it out.For your peace of mind, we will always refund, replace or try to repair your purchase if you are unhappy at any point.Click here to make a return or exchange
I don't have a returns form
Our deliveries and returns are paperless. You don't need a returns form to send back an item.You just need your order number and email address that you used to place the order.To make a return, just click this link
Have you received my return?
We want to encourage people to live a vegan lifestyle and to make a positive choice. We try to make it easy to shop on our online vegan store with 365 days free & easy returns and exchanges.We are usually super quick to process your returns and exchanges. All returns are tracked, you will receive updates at every step by email, including when we have made your refund or sent your new item out.If you have not heard from us within 5 working days of returning your parcel please let us know, something must be wrong.All our returns and deliveries are insured for your peace of mind, so don't worry if you think there could be an issue.
My exchange has a charge against it
For exchanges, we always put a nominal amount as its value usually around 10 (£, $ or €) + shipping.Please ignore this, it is just a standard process we follow in case the exchange has to pass through any customs checks (we cannot put an order through customs with a zero-cost value).Nothing is owed or needs to be paid.We never charge for shipping exchanges out, they are always free.
Can I try more than one size at a time
Sorry, we do not allow multiple sizes to be ordered at the same time for a style.For example, you cannot order several sizes to try out (e.g. 37, 38 and 39).This is so we can reduce the carbon and resource footprint created by our returns. We try to provide quick and easy returns.Returns and exchanges are free of charge for 365 days. Usually, we will process the refund or send out a new exchange a few days after you have given the return to the courier, so there will not be long to wait for the new item to arrive or for a refund to be made.Our returns and exchanges are always free, no matter how many times you swap over, and you can have a refund at any point.
My return says it has zero value will I get my refund?
Our returns system always displays the value of the item we shipped out to you.If for example, we send out an exchange it has zero value, so this is the value the returns system displays when you return it.Don't worry if you are due a refund we will always make it back for you. Once your return is processed (we do this once you have passed your parcel to the courier) we will check against previous payments and make a refund for the original amount you paid.
Can I return more than one order in the same parcel?
A parcel will need to be made for every separate order number. You can return multiple items in the same parcel as long as they are from the same order.If you have items from multiple orders to return, you will need to create separate shipping labels for each of the orders.Each item should be included in the parcel using the return shipping label that is linked to that order.If items are not included in the correct parcel we will not be able to correctly process your returns.
Can I cancel my Rebound return?
If you have created a return request with our Rebound system and want to cancel, you don't need to do anything if you have not sent back your return parcel.We only action your return once you have given your parcel to the courier.Once you have given your parcel to the courier, you may be able to change your return request. Please contact us as soon as possible to let us know.
What do you do with returned orders, do you dispose anything?
As we sell footwear and clothing online and provide free returns and exchanges in most countries, we get quite a few returns from customers exchanging their purchase for another size or style, or for a refund.We have invested a lot of time and resources into getting the right fit for all our styles.We work to achieve a standard fit in all our footwear and clothing styles. If you buy one size, it should fit you in all other WVS styles. Our fit should reflect what you are used to from most other brands.Due to these efforts, we have reported return rates lower than the industry average for the past few years because of this investment into our fit.This means shopping with us easier and reduces our environmental impact. If you make a return back to us, the following process happens:1. Our returns team will check the item. It will be put back into stock if it is in perfect condition. If the packaging is damaged, we will recycle the old packaging and replace it with new. Before returning the item to stock, we spray each item with an ecological disinfectant.2. If the item cannot be re-worn due to wear marks or a quality issue, we will donate it to charity to be re-worn or re-purposed.We do not dispose of any returns.