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I cannot access my account
I cannot access my account

We are sorry you are having problems accessing your account. Don’t worry; we will have you up and running in no time so you can continue shopping.

Firstly try resetting your password. To do this, follow the prompts on the website page where you log into your account.

If you do not receive an email asking you to reset your password, please check your spam or promotions folder, as sometimes our emails go into those folders and not your primary inbox.

If you still cannot log in and the email for the password reset is not coming through, please check you are on the correct website. 

We have four websites depending on which country you are located in. Click the "Change Store" button on the top left of any website page to change the website. You cannot access your account from another website, so make sure you select the right one.

If you still cannot access your account, our website may have a technical issue.

Don't worry. In this circumstance, we can still be of help:

1. You can order on the website as a guest. Just select “Guest” at checkout. You don't need an account with us or to log in this way.

2. We can let you know any account information you need. We can also make an order on your behalf. Just let us know what you want to order and where to send your delivery. We can send you a secure email you can use to pay for your purchase. Once you’ve made payment your order will be released and ship out to you.

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